Igangværende Lektion
Kursus indhold
Introduction of Gitte Østergaard15:41
How to use the flute6:01
Exit the car calmly7:44
Sit at a distance, without whistle3:36
Apport with a dummy5:51
Apport with a dummy, step by step5:03
Apport with a dummy, avoid failure3:49
Apport with a dummy, toss exercise6:00
Apport with 3 dogs7:12
Apport with 2 dummies4:57
Apport with STOP-exercise4:00
Blind apport5:44
How to send the dogs straight out6:57
Apport with routing in low and high terrain11:55
Sit during walk4:56
The whistle5:23
Dummy with hold and let go6:48
Dummy with distraction7:05
Hunt training5:12
Placeboard with recall6:01
Recall with owner and dog5:19
Placeboard with dummy6:29
Line guidance5:58
Hunt training
Hunt training | Gitte Østergaard | Hunting
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