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Bubber - Mittelspitz
1. Welcome home - meet the other dogs6:21
2. Stand-about - pee and get in the house to see your new home3:37
3. This is where Bubber sleeps and lives at first. How to AVOID home alone challenges2:54
4. Next morning - how the night went0:43
5. We practice 'home alone', while you are home - NOW is when you must hide your ovaries. SMILE4:50
6. Prevent bite and snap - it is normal behavior, but you have to show an alternative as well as what is allowed instead2:54
7. Leash and collar - The sooner you start the better, if the puppy bites the leash, it is better to take it off, when it is behind a gate and start walking when training3:52
8. On a walk, where the leash just hangs by us, making the leash into 'nothing'1:14
9. After the first week, home alone, snapping, pet exercise, massage, collar, leash, recall, sit, target, eye contact, ALL WITH STRUCTURE5:12
10. Exercise 4 on a road and park, with a bit of recall, target and eye contact mixed in, but we focus on follow me2:39
11. Focus on recall, with Exercise 4 as a guideline, long leash, don't call until the dog's nose is up, then the brain is ready for success1:53
12. "Stand about" = pee and poop, afterwards go inside, so the puppy understands WHY you have been outside. Not combined with a walk2:50
13. Bubber moves from the kitchen to the utility room1:59
14. Children and Bubber, establish the same that you wish, the presence is with you4:30
15. Impulse control - Bubber learns to 'control' his own energies, from high energy level from the kids - Captions1:53
16. How we avoid WILD play inside, in the long term, they can play inside when they lie down together3:29
17. Nail trimming, how Matina has progressed1:53
18. Bubber has come this far with the gate training2:24
19. Children, other dogs and impulse control, generally1:36
20. A STANDABOUT in the garden, BEFORE we train WALK NICELY on a road1:45
21. Walk nicely out on a walk, with stimuli in form of a strange man, who seems dangerous in Bubber's eyes4:48
22. In front of a store, with many sounds, Bubber should just scan2:15
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LULU - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Week 8 - The socialization stage5:05
Week 8 - Welcome home9:49
The first night? Part I7:40
The first night? - the morning after - Part 25:11
Week 8 - Bones vs. toys and other materials9:05
Week 8 - Home Alone9:32
Week 8 - Preparation - Before interacting with other dogs - Part I8:40
Week 8 - Preparation - Before interacting with other dogs4:21
Week 8 - Preparation - Interacting with other dogs - Part 39:15
Week 8 - Preparation - After interacting with other dogs - Part 43:52
Week 8 – Hoover Training5:49
Week 9 - Socialization, introduce your pup to your everyday life6:27
Week 9 - The beginnings of Exercise #16:50
Week 9 - Petting while lying on her back7:29
Week 10 - Once we master home alone, what is next7:10
Week 10 - Potty training7:16
Week 10 - Exercise 1 - Phase 1 - Sit9:09
Week 11 - Exercise 2 - Phase 1 - Target8:02
Week 11 - Exercise 3 - Phase 1 - Contact5:48
Week 12 - Cleanliness, how is it going?5:34
Week 13 - Part I - Preparation to get a haircut for the first time7:43
Week 13. Wellness - Part II - Trimming her behind11:08
Week 13. Wellness - Part III - Trimming her front9:56
Week 13 - Wellness Part IIII - Trimming her nails8:44
Week 13 - Wellness - Part I - Preparation for bath7:17
Week 13 - Wellness - Part II - The bath14:07
Week 13 - Wellness - Part III - After the bath10:07
Week 14 - Your puppy is now ready for shoe training7:32
Week 14. Calm BEFORE the walk. Train this when you won't go for a walk7:36
Week 14 - Home alone, we come home and make nothing of it6:09
Week 14. EVERYDAY. Lulu has BY HERSELF found the her solutions. She does what she does BECAUSE we make it into NOTHING4:20
Week 16. The dog's developmental stages - 4 to 7 months. Herd developmental stage7:24
Week 16 - Herd Development - Lulu has learned to walk around with the other dogs8:33
Week 18. Lulu, Honey and Smilla together, but APART8:25
Introduction to Hunt Training with Lulu - Hunt training for ALL, with Lulu6:20
Which tools you will and won't need6:47
Hold, let go of and take a dummy8:16
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CIRKELINE - Leavitt bulldog
#0 Introduction of Cirkeline, Part 13:54
#1 - Introduction of Cirkeline, Part 2 - Hear about the stage we're in now4:22
#2 - Introduction to Home Alone for your puppy8:02
#3 - Welcome home, feel safe in new surroundings10:16
#4 - First time home alone, while you're in the room next door27:23
#5 - Bonus video - How to teach your pup cleanliness8:05
#6 - Stimuli - Cirkeline should remain calm with things happening around her6:30
#7 - We are having dinner and Cirkeline has settled down1:59
#8 - Almost Home Alone - The puppy can't see or hear us8:12
#9 - Good night - Last pee before bed, and say good night in the room she feels safe in5:20
#10 - Good morning - Remember, we've got to go pee, RIGHT AWAY5:10
#11 - Repetition - Only start this exercise when the puppy is tired, and make nothing of it6:21
#12 - Come home after 45 minutter, the puppy is still tired, so let it go back to rest - that makes it feel safe6:40
#13 - Congratulations and enjoy your training!5:21
#14 - Why the puppies are NOT together8:11
#15 - Dog Language - Cirkeline has to learn to talk to adult dogs9:04
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WENDY - Leavitt bulldog
Introduction of Wendy8:38
Week 8 - Sit, with calm6:45
Week 8 - Stop sticks and dragging games11:02
Week 8 - Target7:27
Week 8 - Recall4:07
Week 8 - Cleanliness6:17
Week 8 - Home alone, Part 110:38
Week 8 - Home alone, Part 28:33
Week 9 - Lying on your back8:22
Week 9 - Follow5:15
Week 9 - Establishment of a positive, firm 'No'9:22
Week 12 - Socialization10:48
Week 12 - Follow, with stimuli7:08
Week 13 - Create a safety zone5:59
Week 13 - Recall, with more dogs6:52
6 Basic Exercises - Exercise 1 - Sit - Wendy8:23
6 Basic Exercises - Exercise 2 - Target - Wendy7:24
6 Basic Exercises - Exercise 3 - Contact7:03
6 Basic Exercises - Exercise 4 - Follow5:40
6 Basic Exercises - Exercise 5 - No5:30
6 Basic Exercises - Exercise 6 - Stay6:31
Week 14 - Place, where and how4:36
Week 17 - Opening the door with calm11:37
Week 17 - Up and down6:38
Week 13 - Recall, with more dogs
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