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Lulu is introduced to a tub5:03
Lulu is introduced to a placeboard4:30
Lulu, Moving of rear part on the tub, we start going WITH the clock3:41
Lulu, Moving of rear part going WITH the clock4:12
Lulu, Recall with the tub, it is IMPORTANT that you stand BEHIND the tub with your feet3:51
Lulu, The Stay exercise on the tub with stimuli, tossing treats3:17
Lulu, Body control of front and rear part. Start with 1 tub at a time5:35
Lulu, Body control of front and rear part. Here's how you train with 2 tubs at the same time4:10
Lulu, Body control with more elements. Expansion with front and rear part3:40
Lulu, Body control with a balance board. We start with the front part5:14
Rose is introduced to a tub and placeboard6:05
Saga is introduced to a tub3:03
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